Chicago, Ill
Sep 3
8 30 AM
Lake View Sta.
Miss Orpha Spencer
6158 Ella Ave
St Louis
Sept 3/04
My Dear Orpha I
just recieved a letter
from you dated
Aug 22 it had
post marks on it
it was addressed all
Right i cant under
Stand whair it
was all this time
i also got my daley
letter they are coming
on time now.
tomorrow is Sunday
Sweete hart and how
I would like to
be with you Sunday
is a lonsome Day
if i could be with
you tomorrow how
Happy i would be
i do hate to work
on sundays i hope
the next position
i get will not
have to work on
Sundays. Sweete hart
Ray got started to
work to night he
is in the same
shop i am in he
has a good job he
gets $12.50 per weak
i think that is
good wages for
a Boy his age
he is not 18 years
old yet their is
no reason why
he should not get
a long i done
for him all i
Promised to do i
told him i would
get him work and
give him a start
then he would
have to hussel for
him Self You say
he may want to
com to St Louis
when i do [???]
dont but what he
would like to he
thinks a great
deal of his Uncle
Bob in fact all
of my sisters
children take to
me a great deal
but i could not
be burdened with
him i have all
i can do to look
out for my owen
intrest i told him
be fore he came
that i did not
intend to stay
long in Chicago
so dont be mad
to be disapointed
Sweete hart i am
ancious to know
if Ed and Hattie
has any intentions
of going back to
Denver i would
love to go their
for a while,
tell Ge[mine?] for me
i hope he has
good luck in his
examinatiuons he
will finde it
the hardes thing
he Ever got up
against i had a
friend in New York
take the examination
i never heard of
him passing You
have to get 98 to
pass. Dearest the
panzy you sent
me was Pressed so
hard that it maid
a nice impresion
on the letter we
have lot of flowere
in our garden we
have a boquett on
the table all the
time i am verry
fond of flowers when
we go to Calafornia
we can have them
all year Round
and you can
have your Big
Tom Cat to i no
you would like
to have one So
mutch. Dearest i
hope it will not
be long when i
can be with you
now that Ray has
started to work i
am a fraid things
are going to be
St Louis this
winter i would
not like to get
laid off if i can
after working a
cupple of months
at aney rait i
will see what i
can do i do want
to be with you
so mutch i will
close for this time
with all my Love
and Kisses for you
Yours Bob
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