Form 65. 5M. 3-12-04 2881
Chicago Consolidated Traction Co.
Gracelend Station
Chicago, Aug 19 1904
My Deares Orpha I just
Recieved You letter this
morning i did not get
one from you yesterday
you dont know how i
miste it i am sorry
to know that you had
sutch a bad dream
you must be worried
when you dream so
i hope you do not
worry about your dream
i have no faith in
Dreams and you must
not let it worry you,
You must keepe your
minde chearful and
i think you will
not have those bad
dreams and dont lay
on your back nights
sweete hart i get your
second letter to Day
and the card that
makes two letters but
none yesterday i was
a fraid yesterday that
the store was going
to get to mutch of
your time i will
for give you for this
time but you must
not let it happen a gain
Your Bob
Form 65. 5M. 3-12-04 2881
Chicago Consolidated Traction Co.
Chicago, ---------------190
Sweete hart it is raining
to Day and it makes
every thing gloomey
how i wish i was in
St. Louis if i could
get my old job back
i would not stay hear
long it just seemes
i must be whair
you are hope it will
not be long when
i can get work near
you after my nephew
gets to work and can
take care of him self
i will see what i
can do Dearest i do
feal lonsome for
you i mailed you a
letter the firs thing
this morning and now
wrighting an other (over)
foolish about you things are
getting in a bad shape
when one gets that way
i do long for the time
when we can be
to gether all the
time, Dearest i had
to stop wrighting the
Rain has crippled some
of the cars so I had
to leave off wrighting
and go to work i am
at home now finishing
this letter it Rained
all Day and maid a
lot of work for me
Sweete hart i am tired
now and must go to
bed i will say good night
with Love and kisses Yours Bob
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