Sept 2/ 04
My Dearest sweete hart
I am so glad to
hear that you are
fealing better and
i do hope your
mother will not
give you any
moor cause to worry
i am also glad
to hear that Lucys
hand is some better
the poor childe is
aflicted Enough now
Dearest you aught to
have a letter for
Every Day in the
weak for i maild
you one it must
be at the store i
sent two to the
Store be for you
told me that you
had left, Dearest
i am ancious to
know if Hattie
thinks aney thing
about going back
to Denver i would
like verry mutch
to go to Denver
for a while and
i think it would
be a fine place
for you be Sides
i want to see as
mutch of the
Country as possible
be for we Settle
down when i left
New York i intended
visiting all the
large Citys in the
Union i will be
contented with seaing
a few as long
as i can have
you for a Dear
little wife to
make the rest
of my life Happy
i think i can
have moor Real
Happyness with
you than i can
Romring this big
Country of ouers
one all by my
self sweete hart
i would love to
be with you at
this time, i think
Ray will get started
to work by the
first of the weak
i will be glad of
that then i will
com to St. Louis
Part 2
Just as soon as
i can finde out
if i can get work
i dont think i
will have mutch
truble in getting
work Mr Berry
sent me a fine
letter he did
not com to
Chicago as he
said he would
i will wright
to him as soon
as Ray gets started
and see what
he can do for me.
Sweete hart i will
have to close
for this time
hoping to hear
Soon that Russels
fats are making
you Strong and
fat and good
natured i Remain
as Ever your Loving
Love and Kisses to
You and best
wishes to all
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