Aug 26/04
My Dearest Orpha I
did not get aney
letter from you
to Day i am a
fraid you down
sick and unable to
wright this is the
second time this
weak i have mist
a letter from you
i am a fraid the
store is to mutch
for you Dearest if
the work is to
it up i will
work for you i
would rather you
had good health
thaney thing else
Sweete hart i dont
know how to wright
to you to night
if i had a letter
from you to day
i could wright
one mutch easier
Dearest if you are
unable to wright
have some one
wright and tell
me how you are
i do feal uneasey
i know you would
wright if you was
able to i cant wait
until morning
comes to see if i
got a letter i
feal lost when i
mis a day hearing
from you you got
me in this habit
so you will have
to keepe it up
how i wish i was
in St. Louis now
Mr Beny expects to
be in Chicago
Sunday and if he
come i will have
a good talk with
him and see if
he can give me
my old job back
a gain he is a
friend to my Boss
so he will come
to the shop to see
him. And i Can
see him to. it is
verry cold hear
to night i will
close sweete hart
with all my love
and kisses for you
from one that Ever
thinks of you
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