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Aug 17/04
My Dearest Orpha
I Recieved your two
letters to day you
dont know how
mutch plesure i
get out of them
i am delighted to know
You are fealing so
mutch better i hope
your Glasses will
releave your head
aches Dearest you must
not work to hard
at the store you
must keepe off your
feat as mutch as
you can if you finde
the work to hard
you must give it
it up Your good
health means moor
to you and to me
than the money
You get out of it
Dearest i would
rather You had good
health than a Bank
Account You must
at the Store Love
Promis me You will
give up the Store
if you finde it is
to mutch for you
i can work for you
in the future i
will be glad when
we get to California
then we can have
fine weather all
year round i think
it will be the
finest place in the
world for you
i always did want
to go their so bad
i wish Hattie & Edd
could go to You must
try to talk them
into it i think
we can all do better
their then any other
place Sweete Hart You
said in your letter
you wished i was
with you when you
was wrighting if you
knew how mutch i
would love to be
with you at this
time and hugh
you so hard that
you would have to
holler Enough Love
i do miss thoes
hugs and kisses so
mutch those few
Days i had with
you was the happyrst
Days of my life
and the sooner
they can all be
like that the better
i will like it
Sweete hart i am Just
as ancious as you
are for the time when
we can always be
together can not come
to soon i have
not thought of any
plans for the near
future yet i will
Consider any thing
You may sujest
My Nephew has not
got hear yet i
expect him the 19 or 20
i will let you know
when he gets hear
i see by your last
letter that you was
out hunting bargains
i am glad you have
got a nice shirt
wast suits i do
want my Sweete
hart to look nice
and have nice things
to but i dont want
somebody to steal you
a way from me
Love Rember me to
all Hatties family
to good night and
kiss from one that loves you
Orpha you must not
Stay at the Store
if you see it is
Injuring your
health you must
promes me that
it is 9 Oclock Sweete
Hart and i am a bit
tired and am going
to bed now if i could
give you a good hug
and a few kisses
i think i could sleepe
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