Los Angeles
May 8 "06
My Dear little wife
Every time I put
the above date
down I think of
Babys birth day I
guess You do to
for you nearly
always mention it,
Dearest I am a fraid
You was badly
disapointed Yesterday
as I got one of
my sleapey spells
I lay down on
the top of the
bed clothed not
Intending to go to
sleap that was
About 6 30 and I
did not know
aney thing moor
untill 11 30 then
I woke up
Dreaming of you
and Baby I tried
to rember what
I dreampt so I
could tell You to
night but I have
for gotten most of
my Dream I do
rember a little
about Baby I thought
I was laying on
on the Bed with
Baby beside me and
she was minde
and I thought
she was the
prettyest and fat-
est Baby I ever
saw and she
talked with me
but I Cant rember
what a bout I
wish I could re-
call it all so I
could tell You
at aney rait it
was a verry
pleasant dream and
if Baby is like I
saw her last
night she must
be a little beauty
and I do long
so mutch to see
her and you
Equley as mutch
Dearest if you dont
get to come in
the verry near
future You must
get Babys pictures
taken get good ones
nothing cheap,Dearest
if you dont get
to come out hear
soon you Can look
for me back in
the middle west
I must see You
and Baby an be-
for long I just
cant stand it
mutch longer I
will not leave
hear untill I hear
the decision in
Newark and then
if I decide to leave
hear I will make
you aquanted with
what Ever I Intend
doeing. Dearest I
got the Sample
of your new
dress and I hope
it makes up nice
for I want my
little wife to look
as nice as possible
Dearest I stoped
at Hatties to night
and had supper-
with them they
are all as well
as usuell Excepting
Hattie she is
Complaining with
neuralgia, Dearest
You say Mrs Halaylor
says she does not
like it hear as
well as she thought
she would I dont
think she has seene
mutch yet to know
if she will like
it or not I am
shure You will
like it hear I
will at least
make it as Pleasant
for you as my
means will permit
Dearest I promised
Hurley to call on
them Sunday and
take supper with
them I dont want
get to thick with
them or they
with me I dont
want them to get
in the habit
they had in St
Louis making their
selves to mutch at
home, Dearest I think
I have maid up
for not wrighting
last night Love and
Kisses to Mama &
Baby from your
Husband Bob
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