Los Angeles
May 18 06
My Dear little wife
your letter came on
time as usuell
but I did not send
one this AM I
wrote a letter
last night but
was out of stamps
so I did not get
to mail it as I
could not get aney
stamps so Early
in the AM I
Put it in with
this letter so You
will get it Just
the sounde, Dearest
I am glad to know
that Mr Fisher
still thinks their
is some hopes
for us yet I
had about lost
all hopes in the
case I do hope
it will be in
our favor when
it is settled
I am glad to
hear that Florence
is anxious for
the case to be
settled she is
so fickled I was
a fraid some body
might induce
her to drop it,
Dearest I did
not see aney
of the Taylors to
day, Dearest I guess
You aint going
to get to see
the Fiesta paraids
I think I will
have to work the
two nights of
the paraid I
think they
Intend sending
shop men with
the floats they
are something
swell I think
Sundays Times
will have good
pictures of them
the times men
was one half day
taking pictures of
them Dearest I have
no special news
I will close
Love & Kisses to
Mama & Baby from
your Husband Bob
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