JUN 12
1 PM
Mrs Robert H. Wilson
6306 Suburban Ave
St Louis MO
R.H. Wilson
217 E 12th St
Los Angeles, Cal
Los Angeles
June 11" 06
My Dear little wife
your letters of
sunday also the
message of to Day
whitch is the
most welcome
news I have
had since I
came to Los Angeles
I had bout given
up Expecting aney
Good news
Dearest I trust
You will be on
Your way long
be for this letter
reaches St. Louis
this will be
Saturdays letter
and I feal quite
shure you will
be off befor
that time I will
not wright again
untill I hear a
gain from you.
Dearest I expect
that tonight is
the happyest one
You have expr-
rised in a long
time it is to
me I am shur
Hattie will be
delighted when
she hears the
news in the
AM, it is now
9 30 and I was
laying a crost
the Bed when
the Door Bell
I heard it ring
and heard the
land lady Ask
hoo it is and
a minute later
she called me
and said it was
a telegram for
me the first
thing she asked
has aney thing
hapened your
wife I told
her the news
and she was
pleased to know
that you was
coming Dearest I
will be impatient
untill I see You
and Baby and
trust you will
start on your long
Journey at once
Dearest I will
stop now write
all my Love and
Kisses to Mama &
Baby and best wishes
to all You Husband
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