82 Cutler St.
Newark NJ 130 05
Mr Spencer
My Dearest Freind
I received your Dear kind
letter and always welcome
letters and was glad to hear
from you. and received the
Money order all right.
and will take the money
to them and do as best I
understand about it.
But your to good and
I thank you Dear friend.
for all kindness.
You did right about your
lawyer as you understand
Best Dear Friend.
about it better than I
and I am pleased.
the weather is verry fine
here. so far and have
had fine weather clear
and nice for a while.
the last of this month
is Hallow eve and you
can see a grand
Parade out there in there
uniforms. so you were
Working Sunday Repearing
an automobile if I were
there we could have
taken a ride.
I was spending last
Sunday at Paterson with
my cousin Mrs. William
Harlor and I sent
you a postle from there
and not knowing if
you will receive it or not
not knowing your
number when I sent it
I hope you are all enjoying
good health and glad
to hear that you Dear Friend
are well. I am as Well
as usual and getting
over my cold.
Dearest Friend.
It would please me
if you were to live
in the East. if you could
do as well as where
you are. or do better.
and I would care to
have you come and would
be glad. Dear Friend
so you were busy
getting cars ready for
the parade
to day is verry fine
so summer like for
this time of year.
the fall Weather is so
dreary I think and sad.
I send my Best regards
to your mama and
I will try not Worry as Best I can Dear Friend
If you care.
We are all as Well as
usual and send regard
so I will close for this
time hoping to hear from
you forgive me for not being so prompt
I send My love. and
Best regards to You
and remain as ever Your true
and loveing Friend Florence.
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