Miss Orpha Spencer
6158 Ella Ave
St Louis MO
you never
told me how
you liked B. Bell
Performing at
the garden
Chicago Ill
Sep 8/04
My Dearest Orpha
i know that you
will be glad to
learn that i wrote
to Mr Berry last
Night he will get
it when you get
your wensdays letter
i mailed them
both at the Same
time i told him
Aney thing he would
do for me would
apreaicated and that
I would look for
a favorable Reply
in the near
future i will
be anciously a
waiting for a letter
from him Dearest
i would be glad
if he can give
me my old job
back i dont feal
contented hear aney
moor, i am fealing
mutch better hear
than i did in St
Louis i think the
reason my stomach
bothered me so mutch
is from eating so
think i ate it once
in Chicago when
i come back you
will have to strike
the pork from my
Bill ofair i hope
it will not be
long untill i am
back in St Louis
with you Dearest
i am just as
ancious to come as
you are to have
me, sweete hart i
often think if i
did not come to
St Louis at the
time i did i would
lost you for Ever
but that was not
to be so you dont
know how glad i
am that things turned
out as they have
and i hope we
both will be Happy
in the future for
it sweete hart it
is bed time now
i go to bed Earleyer
than i did when
i was with you i
have no body to keepe
me up dear
Sweete heart
will say
good night
and sweete
dreams to
you and
Love and
Kisse all
for my
Deares Girl
Yours Bob
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