Chicago Ill
Sept 16" 04
My Dearest Orpha I
cant amagen what
has happened two
Days now and no
letter from you
it Seams like two
weaks Since i hears
from you if you
are sick and unable
to wright i would
like to know for
i am ancious to
hear from you i
feal just like one
that had lost
Every thing pleas
wright as soon
as you get this
letter and tell
me what the
trouble is it dont
seam possible that
two letters could
get lost in as
many days i
did not think so
mutch of one
being mist but
it is two now
i do hope i will
get your letters
tomorrow Dearest
i do hope you
are not down
Sick i cant think
of aney thing
els that would
keepe you from
wrighting to me
if you was not
in the habit
of wrighting Every
Day i would not
think so mutch
of it Sweete heart
i will close for
this time for i
want this letter
to go out to
night so you
will get it
tomorrow (over)
you from one that
is ancious to hear
from you Yours
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