St. Louis, MO
Saturday, Feb 25/05
My precious husband
your dear
letter received this
morning, And dearest
I guess you had a
much to read when
you had three. I did
not get any yesterday or
and was so disapointed
I do miss them so much
when they dont come
Precious I am at
Mrs. Taylor's now, they
staid with us untill
after lunch and we
were coming down to
matinee. But could not
get tickets at Horline
on the train so we came
out here as it was to
late to try any other
we are going to take
supper with them Mr
Taylor and Gene Sliph
untill noon. And
do you believe it
Gene came with
Mr. Taylor, doesnt that
surprise you
Precious I am so
sorry you have such
a bad cold and I do
want you to take
something and get
wrid of it Dearest
do be careful for
my sake as well as
your own, I have
A very bad cold and
cough again.
Do you Cough much
dearest with your
cold Darling I would
give any thing if I could
be with you and take
care of you We need
Each other all the
time. Dearest I wish
you Could get a day
job it would be so
much better for you
Dearest. I would give any
thing if we knew
just what we were
going to do, or rather
what we Could do.
I am so hungry
to see my dear husband
I love so so much
And hope we can be
to gether soon.
Precious, I am glad
dearest you are gain
ing in weight I suppose
I am gaining Everyday
I ought to be heavy
by this time. Dearest
I am beginning to look
a sight, Precious if
I could just feel good
all the time I would
like it so much
better instead of
feeling badley all
the time. Mrs Taylor
did ever bit of my
Ironing this morning
she would not let
me do it.
Precious where could
you go. I will be
satisfied any where you
should decide to go. Do
what you think best
Darling I have not [???]
[????] Mr Fisher for
some time must try
to see him soon I will
close with all my love and kisse
to my dear husband your one
wife always Orpha
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