Miss Orpha Spencer
6158 Ella Ave
St Louis
Chicago Ill
Sept 20/ 04
My Dear Sweete heart
I have recieved Your
letters in Rag time
for the Past weak
i did not get aney
letter of the 14th and
got your Sundays
letter be for i got
your Sundays well
Dearest we will not
have to wright aney
moor and i am
glad for that what
we will have to
say we can say it
face to face Dearest
i am sorry to hear
that your family
are having so mutch
Sickness sickness is
sutch an experience.
Dearest Mr Berry
wrote to my Boss
a pictule friend of
his and told him
that he wanted
give me my job
at the bench back
Dearest i dont want
to go to work be
for Monday Morning
i want to be with
you all Day Sunday
Some place and
spend the Day
Dearest if you dont
feal like coming
to the depot so
Early in the am
dont come, Dearest
i could not make
out what you said
a bout Lucy throwing
my Spoon a way
You will have to
tell that to me
when i come
Dearest it was verry
Coald hear to night
i am coald setting
hear wright to you
I will close sweete
heart and will not
wright a gain from
Chicago as i would
be in St Louis
as soon as the
letter Dearest i hope
you will have
good news from
your Brother by
the time you get
this and that you
and mother will
be fealing better
good Dearest untill
we meete
in St Louis
at the Fair
No moor
letters for
this time
Love and
Kisse from
one that
Loves You
Yours Bob
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