Miss Orpha Spencer
6158 Ella Ave
St Louis
Sept 10 /04
My Dear Sweete hart
i am glad to hear
that you are some
better and i hope
you dont have aney
moor of them old
pains & aches for a
long time to come
i am sorry to
hear that your
Sister is not coming
up to see you i
think like you
do about Willard
i think it shoes
that he does not
think verry mutch
of his wife & family
if he did not
have the means
to bring them it
would be different
i would like
verry mutch to be
in St Louis if
Your sister should
come i feal that
i know her already
at aney rait we
will go and see
them some time
if possible be for
we go a way
Sweete heart you
say in you letter
that you think
of me by Day
and Night it is
the Same case
with me i think
we are both
afected a bout the
Same i verry
often Dream of
you so you see
my time is taken
up a wake or a
sleepe Dearest
You speak about
having your next
Ring Ingraved it
will be as you wish
Sweete heart i am
ancious to hear
from Mr Berry
i hope he will
wright soon them
i will know what
to expect, Dearest
you say you would
contend with me
in Chicago or aney
place i am shure
of that but i would
not stay in Chicago
i dont like it at all
Sweete hear have a (top)
little patience
good thing
come slow
but i will
you as soon
as i can
good by
for this
time with
Love & Kisses
all for You
Your Bob
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