Mr R. H. Wilson
[???] St Louis & Suburban
R.R. CO.
St Louis MO
De Hodouant Shops
Chicago Ill
Nov 7. 1904
Dear Uncle
I am sorry to keepe you
waiting for good new but the new
will dis-point you. Mrs Blumekron
told me to wait a wile before i right
because Mrs Fife would be here
the last of the week and tell me
the bad news. She said rote
to her brother inlaw when her hus
band had died and he did not
answer it So her son do not
want her to send you to him
she said she did not want to make
a ful out of you . She said she
got a letter Cal and they told
her it is to slow their for any
body to go.
That is y I did not right before.
I got a letter from Burt and
he said he his get ing along fine.
Mamma rote last week and
she said she need some money
so I sent what I was go to send
to you I am sorry But I thought
Momma must need it more then
you do.
George came up to work this
morning. Do you know a
Motorman by the name of
Burns if you do he kill a
boy yesterday. [?????] h's a good friend
of mine. Lee would like to
here from you and also [????]
gramdpapa I do not know
him by name. They would
like to see you back in Chicago
best regards from all Your Nephew
Answer soon do not take as
long as I did I am go to right to Burt know
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