Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Los Angeles City Basic Timeline

This is a very simplified timeline of Los Angeles City.  It is a snapshot  to give you a an idea of things that happened while your ancestors were living in Los Angeles.

Click (here) for documents, private papers, images, directories, or other things I find that mention Los Angeles or took place in Los Angeles.

500 AD - Tongva Native Americans inhabit the L.A. Basin.
1781 - First Settlement in the area placed.  It is called Rio de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula.
1841 - LosAngeles's first census - Population 141.
1842 - Los Angeles's first population boom due to discovery of gold.
1846 - Pio Pico sworn in as first Governor of California, in Los Angeles.
1847 - United States take control of Los Angeles.
1848 - Mexico Cedes California to United States.
1850 - Los Angeles is incorporated as a municipality.
1852 - Gilmore Adobe built.
1855 - Los Angeles's first school built.
1865 - Large population boom of African Americans after Civil Wars ends.
1868 - Los Angeles starts getting street lights.
1869 - First Southern Ca. Railroad built.
1873 - Los Angeles's first synagogue is built.
1873 - First tolley line in the city open.
1876- St. Vibiana Cathedral built.
1881 - Los Angeles Daily Times start publication
1892 - Oil discovered in Los Angeles
1900 - Japanese immigrants start to arrive in Los Angeles.
1903 - The Los Angeles Examiner starts publication.
1913 - The Natural History Mueseum Opens.
1913 - Los Angeles Aqueduct complete.
1922 - Radio Stations start broadcasting in Los Angeles.
1923 - Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum opens.
1926 - La Opinion starts publication.
1928 - Los Angeles City Hall opens.
1930 - The original Pueblo of Los Angeles is renovated (it is now Olivera St.).
1932 - Los Angeles hosts Olympics.
1933 - Los Angeles Sentinel starts publication.

Useful Local links
Los Angeles Historical Society

Los Angeles Public Library Research Guide

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