Saturday, November 26, 2016

Redondo Congregational Church 1888, 1894, 1932 Anniversary Souvenir Directory

The original booklet is part of a private collection in Redondo Beach.  Click here to see more items in the collection.  Click here to see the historical timeline of Redondo Beach, CA.  Click here to see the list of other States I have more items from.

Here are the images in order, of the Redondo Congregational Church Anniversary Souvenir Directory.
It says 1888, 1894, and 1932 on the cover.  There are also a number of pages missing from the middle of the book.    I got this book from my grandmother's house in Redondo, and thought it would be best to put it online before it degrades further.  I am not doing a transcription, but adding some information at the side of the photos.
Especially including names, in case anyone is searching for their ancestors in google by name.

Inside Cover

** I looked up, and could not find a Pioneer Institute of the South Bay District.  It must no longer exist.

I could not find the First National Bank of Redondo, but I did see some currency for sale online that was printed there.

Page 1
This is a picture of the Church, it is no longer standing.  It was in the area that is now Sovereign Grace Bible Church.

Page 2
Rev. Owen Umstead was Pastor
He was born is Illinois
He married Miss Belle Hepner in 1895
She was a teacher in Burlington Kansas
They had four children
Kenneth working at Berkeley
and daughters
Mrs. Richard Ohly
Mrs. Myron Meyer
Mrs. Elwood Harden
Page 3
organized as a Sunday School July 1, 1888, by Rev. H.P. Chase
Services were also held by Rev. Frederic Alder Field,  Rev. Nathan L. Lowell, and Rev. W. P. Browning

Organized as a Congregational Church seven years later.  Rev. C.Y. Snell as Pastor
The next 12 years there were several Pastors, Rev. Harlow, Rev. J. D. Habbick,  Rev D. Lloyd Jenkins, Rev. Otto Anderson, Rev. Thomas Stubbine, Rev. Musgroves.
Rev. William P. Hardy held service 11 years.
Rev. Owen Umstead has led the last 15 years when the publication came out.

Seybold' Bakery no longer exists.
Page 4
Ads for Sherwin - Williams
Then in Hermosa Beach
John A. Hageman

Thanks to Mrs. Owen Umstead, and Mrs. J.K. Boaz
for organizing the first printed Church Directory.
Giesler Print Shop

Ad For Union High Service Station
Diamond and Camino Real.
It no longer Exists.
A. H. Bradhurst
Page 5
Articles of Incorporation

E. P. Rowell, W. N. Birt, and William R. Williams were elected Trustees of the Church

James F. Ford - President
Mrs. M. P. Bronson - Secretary

E. P. Rowell, Wm R. Williams, H. H. Venable, W. N. Birt, Mrs. M. P. Bronson

Page. 6
Articles of incorporation Cont.
J.W. Anderson was the Notary Public and a witness.

There is also a small ad for Stiles Flower Shop
C.W. Stiles

Page 7. Articles of Incorporation Cont.
T.E. Newlin - County Clerk
Sam Kutz - Deputy
I. H. L Brown Secretary of State
W. T. Sesuer - Deputy
Charter Members
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Williams, Mr. and Mrs George Cate, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Venable, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Best,
Walter F. Venable, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Rowell,  Clara Rowell, Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Fisher, Mrs. Mary York, Mrs. J. Harris, Mrs. Martha P. Bronson, Mrs. Mary Gibson, Mrs. Lillie L. Hazeltine, Mrs. L. J. Perry, Mrs. M. A. Browning

Add for S & M Transfer and Storage Co.
531 N. Francisca
The old building may still survive.  The business may have moved to Torrance, there is a S & M Transfer and Storage listed in Torrance
Page 8
Officers of the Church
Pastor Rev. Owen Umstead
Financial Secretary  Nelson Roth
Treasurer  Mrs. M. P. Smith
Clerk, Donald M. Smith

Head Ushers R. H. Wilson , A. M. Graff
Night Ushers Donald Smith, Glenn Roth
Flower Committee  Mrs. Geo. Cate, Mrs. Hattie C. Thompson, Mrs. J. W. Meese, Mrs. R. S. Minech, Mrs. R. H. Wilson , Mrs. A Little, Mrs. A. F. Heimlich, Mrs. Chas M. McCormick
Music Committee  Mrs. Genevieve Hale, Mrs. J. E. Walker, Mrs. Frances T. Browning, Mrs. Paul Black, Mrs. H. D. Meacham, E. A. Shannafelt
President Men's Brotherhood  C.C. Lilly
Board of Christian Education and Pastor's Council
H. D. Meacam, Dr. A. F. Heimlich Alexander Larson, Mrs. Nelson Roth

Ad for Thorp's Music Shop
126 Pacific   Redondo Beach
No longer in business
Page 9
Board of Trustees
Chairman Edgar Skelton
Vice Chairman  H. D. Meacham
Secretary  Wm. F. Giesler, J. F. Walker, Paul Walker, Chas S. McCormick, C. E. Rhodes

Board of Deacons
Nelson Roth, E. L. Shannafelt, Alexander Larson, C. W. Stiles, A. M. Graff, C. C. Cribbs, Dr. A. F. Heimlich, Dr. H. F. Craven
Mrs. B. L. Lackey, Mrs. Anna D. Long, Mrs. F. A. Boulger, Mrs. F. H. Harden, Mrs. G. A. Mitts, Mrs. Jennie Hughes, Mrs. Gabriel Johnston
The Choir
Mrs. J. K. Boaz, Mrs. J. R. Richardson, Mrs. H. D. Meacham, Organists: Catherine Snavely, Richard Browning
Ladies Aid Society
Mrs. M. M. Waddell, Mrs. Mary Tyler, Mrs. Gabriel Johnston, Mrs. O. T. Clutter
  Page 10
Sunday School
Superintendent - Norman Crider, Assitstant Superintendent - Mrs. C. W. Stiles, Secretary - Treasurer - W. F. Giesler

Adult Bible Study Class
Teachers Rev. Umstead, Mrs. John Threlkeld

Cradle Roll
Mrs. J. W. Meese - Superintendent
Page 23
Roll of Members
Mrs. Marian Allen, Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Andrix, Gordon Bain, Vivian Barker, Katherine Barker,Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barkley, Mrs. Helen Barnum, Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Beck, Mary Jo Beck.  Ernest Bennett, Nora Bennett, Mrs. Lena Berger, Freda Berger, Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Blatter, John K. Boaz, Mrs. Laura Patten Boaz, Jack Boaz, Kenyon Boaz, Mary Elizabeth Boaz, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Boulger, E. Merrill Boulger, Robert Boulger

Ad for Hermosa Outfitting Co.
C.A. Williams, G. F. Williams
128-130-134-138-140 Pier Ave. Hermosa Beach
 No longer in business

Luverne W. Gillis Stationery Store
118 S. Pacific Av.  Redondo Beach
No longer in business

Cannot Be Saved By Works

Page 27 Roll of members continued
Mrs. T.C. Lemley, Edgar Lesley, Mr. and Mrs Thomas A. Little, Edith Little, Mrs. Anna Long, Spencer Long, Mrs. Mattie Nell Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Chas S. McCormick, Mrs. H. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Meacham, Robert Meacham, Douglas Meacham, Mildred Meacham, Mrs. J.M. Meese, Margaret Meese, Doris Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Minech, William Minech, Haruko Minami, Kiyoshi Minami, Mrs. Jessie J. Mitts, Lauren Mitts, Nellie Monroe, Walter Moore, Mrs. Hattie W. Moore, Mary Elizabeth Moore, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Moyer, Reuben Moyer, Ernest L. Moyer, Raymond Moyer, Anna C. Moyer, Tugimi Muira, Kate North, Jacklyn O'Brien, Mrs. Grace B. Olson, Roy Osaki, Mrs. J.M. Patten, Mrs. L. Perry
   Page 28
Pacific Crest Cemetery
Still operating today in Redondo

Redondo Furniture Co.
212 South Pacific Ave.
No longer in business

Peerless Laundry Services Ltd.
No longer in service

Page 29
Roll of Members cont.
Betty Putters, James Putters, Joan Putters, C. H. Quandt, Mrs. Hannah Quandt, Lious Quandt, Carl Quandt, Mrs. Marie Quandt, Mrs. Catherine Reams, Mrs. Vivian Reinhard, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rhodes, Mrs. Louise Richardson, Curtis Richardson, Mrs. C. R. Richardson, Mrs. Edith Ridgley, Anne Ritchie, Robert Ritchie, Mrs. Eva Rodecker, Virginia Rodecker, Miss Carrie M. Root, Nelson Roth, Mrs. Alice Roth, Glen Roth, Thomas Roth, E. A. Shannafelt, Mrs. Mable Sharrock, Mrs. Donna Shaw, Ruth Shaw, Fredrick G. Short, Mrs. Olive May Short, Jessie Nilda Short, Harold Short, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Skelton, Edgar Skelton, Dr. Robert F. Skelton, Richard Lang Skelton, Myron P. Smith, Mrs. Bessie M. Smith, Donald M. Smith, Helen M. Smith, Doris B. Smith, Mrs. Edna Smithson, Catherine Snavely,  Mrs. A.B. Solomon
Page 30    Ads
Evagelist - Will K. Ray
Undenominational Preacher and singer

Parisian Cleaners and Dyers
Diamond and Broadway
No longer in business

D & D Drug Co.
George T. Perdue
No longer in business

E.G. Griffey
Electrical Contractor

Golden Pheasant Restaurant
William Levey mgr.
No longer in business

Giesler Print Shop
No longer in business

The Rexall Drug Store
L. H. Schultz Ph G. Druggist
No longer in business
Page 29 [type-o in book]
Roll of members cont.
Mrs. Marian Spence, W.R. Steere, Mrs. Ethel Steigh, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Stiles, Charles Stiles Jr., Katherine Stiles, Mrs. Eliza Stone, Theresia I. Stone, Mrs. Perie St. John, Mrs. Irene Tanger, Fumiko Tanzawa, Yoshiko Tanzawa, Tsutomu Tanzawa, Dorothy Taylor, Mrs. Hattie C. Thompson, Joseph Thompson, Edith Jenne Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Treadwell, Mrs. K. W. Tyler, Edith Tyler, Rev. Owen Umstead, Mrs. Belle Umstead, Kenneth Umstead, Robert Vitale, Mr. and Mrs. M.M. Waddell, James E. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walker, Margery Ruth Walker, Mrs. E.E. Williams, Robert H. Wilson,  Mrs. Orpha Wilson, Alta Wilson, James Wilson, Winifred Wilson,  Willis Wilson, Mrs. W. S. Young, Ruth Young, Arthur Young, Mrs. A. L. Young, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Zalabak  
Page 32   Professional Cards

Frank L. Perry
Attorney at Law

A. F. Heimlich M.D.

Dr. H. F. Craven
Dentistry and x-ray service

Dr. Loren D. Sims
Chiropractor - Graduate Masseuse
Inside Back Cover

Sam Holon
Body and Fender Work
 Back Cover

Redondo Historical Documents, Images etc..

This will be a place where I keep random bits of information I find that has something to do with Redondo Beach. Click here for the Redondo Beach Timeline.  Click here for the list of cities in Los Angeles County.  Click here for the list of Counties in California.

Historical Photos
Spend Your Vacation At Redondo Beach

Directories /  Rosters
Redondo Congregational Church 1888, 1894, 1932 Anniversary Souvenir Directory


Department of California and Nevada
Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Organized April 15, 1909 at Pasadena, California 1947

1943 - Willis H. Wilson, Redondo, Killed in North Africa

News Clippings

News Clipping Image of Redondo Beach 1890 / Mentions Covered Wagon Days of back of image.

Private Collections from Redondo Beach Citizens Pre-WWII
Robert Halestien Wilson / Orpha May Spencer Private Collection
This collection will contain photos, letters, and personal documents.
Ernest Clement McCoy / Helen Spencer Wilson
This collection will contain photos, letters, and personal documents.

Redondo Beach Historical Timeline

Redondo Beach Historical Timeline
  City resources, are really what I want to highlight in this blog.  Click here for a link to documents, rosters, images etc.. that have a connection to Redondo Beach.  Click here for the list of cities in Los Angeles County.  Click here for the list of counties in California.

  • To 1850s -The Chowignas were the early residents of Redondo Beach, they lived in Palos Verdes, and their local Look out post was Wilderness Park.  There was a salt water lake where the AES Plant stand today. The salt like provided much food, salt, and was a spot where local tribes gathered to trade.    
  • 1854 The Chowignas were sent to Missions when Manuel Dominguez sold 215 acres to Henry Allanson, and William Johnson to form the Pacific Salt Works.  After digging around and many web searches later, it appears, that some of the Chowignas went to San Gabriel Mission. 
  • Redondo started becoming a tourist destination in the 1880s,  Hotel Redondo was completed in 1889, and was luxurious.  Moonstone Beach was popular.  There was also a Salt Water Plunge. 
  • The piers had railroad track, and Redondo was a shipping port.
  • Lumber was a huge export in Early Redondo.
  • 1905 Redondo High was opened.  
  • In 1915-16 There were big storms that damaged piers, and two of the three piers were removed.  
Below are some important events that may have influenced you ancestor's lives.
Some of the  Native American Tribes known to inhabit California were the Hupa, Maidu, Pomo, Modic, Mohave, Chowignas, Pimunguns.  According to Ereferencedesk there were over 135 distinct language dialects.
1542 The official discovery of California by Spain
1545 Typhus and other European diseases start killing larges amounts of native populations in Cuba, and New Spain
1579 Sir Francis Drake claims some land north of San Francisco for England
1633 - 1634 Small Pox
Spanish missionaries start settling California in the 1700s
1775 - 1783 Revolutionary War
1776 Declaration of Independence signed
1793 Yellow Fever
1812 Russian fur traders build Fort Ross just north of San Francisco
1820 American Trappers start arriving from the East
1820 - 1875 Texas - Indian Wars
1821 Mexico gained independence from Spain
1832 - 1866 Cholera
1846 - 1848 Mexican - American War
1848 California is ceded to the United States by Mexico
1849 The Gold Rush begins
1850 California becomes the 31st State
1858 Scarlet Fever
1861-1864 The Civil War
1862 The Great Floods  
1863 Emancipation Proclamation
1877 Jim Crow Law enacted till 1950s
1882 The Chinese Exclusion Act
1898 the American Anti-Imperialist  League formed
1900 Oil discovered in California
1905 Japanese and Korean Exclusion league formed in California and gained 80,000 + members
1906 San Francisco Earthquake and fires
1906 - 1907 Typhoid
1910 Angel Island opens (West Coast’s Ellis Island)
1913 California Alien Land Law
1914 - 1918 WWI
1915 - 1955 Polio Outbreaks
1918 - 1919 Spanish Flu Pandemic
1920 ACLU founded
1920 Women get the right to vote
1920 - 1933 Prohibition
1921 - 1925 Diphtheria Outbreaks
1924 United States gives citizenship to some Native Americans
1929 Beginning of the Great Depression
1933 The Long Beach Earthquake
1939 - 1945 WWII
1941 Pearl Harbor
1942 President Roosevelt Signed Executive Order 9066 (Feb)
1942 General Dewitt issued Public Proclamation No. 1(Mar, internment camps)  
Pacific Crest Cemetery Established 1902

Random Redondo information, images, documents, directories etc.. 

News Paper Image of Redondo Beach, Ca. 1890 / Covered Wagon Days

Here is the front and back of a news paper clipping I found at my grandmother's house.  I believe it was from the Daily Breeze (our local paper) sometime in April, 1989 because of the ad on the back for frontier days.