This is a letter written by Robert Wilson to wife Orpha. There are scraps of letters from this time period.
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[Image] Sunday
Ocean Park.
Los Angeles, Cal. June 18 1905
My Dearest wife
I recievd your letter of the 13th
and you say your are Sewing
our Baby clothes yet Dearest
you must have a tremendious
word robe for Baby how I
would love to See all the
little things you have maid
they shure must be pretty
Dearest I do hope you
have good luck with our
Expected Baby and that it
will live to wair all thir
little clothes you have maid

Dearest I hope you are
standing the warm weather
all right if you was
hear you would not have
to suffer so with the heat
to day is just beautifuell
not to warm or to coald I
will be glad when the
time comes when you can
come to me and Injoy this
beautyfuell Country, Dearest
their has just ben a fire
about two Blocks from hear
I stopped wrighting to go and
see it, it was a little
cottage it looks a shame to
See a little home ruined by