Sept 4 / 04
My Dearest Sweete hart
to Day being Sunday
i did not get aney
letter you dont know
how lonsome it
was for me i get
moor ancious for
you Every Day it
seemes to me that
i must be whair
you are and i
hope to be soon
with my Dear girl
Sweete hart my hole
future lies with you
i see no reason
why the rest of
our Days Should
not be happy living
for Each other our
past has not ben
the Brightest but
lets us hope the
future will have
moor sunshine
for us i hope
your mother is
in good pearits
and not causeing
you aney moor
worry to Day
was beautifull
how i would
love to have ben
in St Louis so
we could have
went some place
for the day it
so lonsome to
be by your self
all the time i
am good and
sick of it i cant
hardley wait for
the time when
i can com to St Louis
you can be shure
i will com as
soon as i can
Dearest i am sorry
to hear that Bessie
is treated so mean
i am also sorry
to hear that she
is thinking of
getting married you
Should go and see
her and advise
her as she has
no one to take
a mothers intrest
in her i think
it is Your duty
You are older and
can give her good
advice sweete hart
i will say good Night
with all
my love
and kisses
to the one
i love best
Your one